Friday 4 December 2009

. . . If You Go Down To The Woods Today . . .

. . . I sure was in for a surprise (do you know that song?) Anyhow, here's one I picked earlier LoL! Penny Bun . . . (Birch Bolete Mushroom?) I think that's what they're called, supposedly edible - but would one really want to eat a mushroom that size - you'd gag surely  . . . I'm not responsible for the image - I'm the one holding the mushroom, found in the fields/woods at the end of or our road during late summer - couldn't get over the size!!! No, I didn't cook it - it went in the dustbin . . .

Now, I know I said I wouldn't meantion miniatures - but I just HAVE to make some of these now don't I?

Monday 30 November 2009

Ostrich Burger . . .

Now many of you may or may not know, that I don't eat 'red meat' . . . so, my husband decided (seeing as I will eat poultry), to serve me up a freshly cooked Ostrich Burger !?! Darn big poultry LoL!

Well, I broke off the tiniest piece; and to tell the truth it wasn't that bad! Bit 'strong' on the flavour, but not wildy overpowering; and slighty 'gamey' to say the least. It was just the thought of eating the poor bird that got to me . . .

Anyhow, I tried and ate and enjoyed! Here it is . . .

Bon Apetit !

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Banana Cup Cakes With Chocolate Frosting . . . Yummeeee !

Now my long suffering husband always says it would be nice to see some real food come out of an oven that I made, instead of polymer clay food LoL! Well, I think I excelled myself slightly and made some Cup Cakes! They really are deeeelisshhh! What do you mean, haven't you eaten them all? They're really rich and I made a bit too many, the dog was only allowed one . . . I should've photographed them really; and I will! But here's what I wished they'd looked like - I 'googled' chocolate frosted cupcake . . . promise to photograph mine, but in turn you have to promise not to laugh {:OD

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Where Did That Blog Title Come From?!

Well, although I said I wouldn't talk about miniatures - there's a place where I coined the phrase 'nice cake - shame about the plates' . . . a fellow miniature exhibitor's mum was recalling her recent visit to a wonderful tea shoppy type place, where the cake was divine, but the crockery left a lot to be desired - my instant retort was . . . yes! You've guessed it - Nice Cake - Shame About The Plates! So there you go {:O)

I'll add some images tomorrow - I'm using a newly acquired secondhand laptop courtesy of my sis x . . . Thank you sis! Which means I can sit on the sofa; and write a load of old codswallop to my hearts content!

Catch you later . . .